Friday, August 17, 2012

Gratitude. Gratitudeosityness (I can only do so many non-silly blog titles!)

Hello everyone, i hope you made it safely through the week and are now doing your "FRIDAY FRIDAY!" dance. And that you are video-recording it and putting on YouTube, because I totally want to see that  ;-)

I haven't been Gettin' Bloggy Wit' It much lately - i am a person who likes to write, has been complimented on my writing and told i should write books. But i can't take credit for the times when my writing is good - it just flows through me. I try to force it, it shows. And no one deserves THAT happening to their eyes.

(except maybe her, she looks drama queeny)

Remember i did say i write like i talk, and i talk a LOT. A lot and very rambly, bless the hearts of the people who put up with that. (MikelLaPorteahem)

But today i have an assignment! Yay! It looks like some help (hopehope) is coming for this whole i lost my home/mold in parents home/i left out dad-had-a-heart-attack/ i can't live at my parents' house because mold gives me asthma attacks that ...ugh well, you know. Or you can know, just go back a few Blogs.

I like helping. It makes my face happy. But something i have learned is that being a gracious and grateful receiver of help or gifts is important too. Otherwise, we rob others of the chance to have happy faces. Ohhh yeah, making some sense now!  One of my family members takes the default  "You shouldn't have!" response to new lows. Unwraps a gift, looks at it like its poison, says with no irony, "You shouldn't have", and then the gift is never seen again.

Which really sucks when you're 7. Or 37. 

So... i'm trying to be a gracious grateful gift (ooh i love alliteration!!) receiver, and in this case, the givers need my help too. My friends Mikel and Sheila are raising funds for me, and for my family, and have linked this blog to the fundraising site which i will add here too:

Amy Lynn Hunt Housing Fund

I just prayed about all of this, and how ... how if it took all of this to help me remember that every day we have on this earth is a gift and that i need to live it in such a way? Cool. I am very, very interested or obsessed or whatever adjective works here about using bad things to make good ones happen. I don't believe there was no reason for me to get this stupid, stupid illness when i was majoring in Youth Ministry, hoping to go Do Good in the world. I don't believe this is happening so one of my friends who is an atheist can (this is way funnier when i say it,all dramaticky) "WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW, AMY LYNN? HAHAHA!" And i am not saying i am anything but clueless about why all of this current tough stuff is working. But i do know one thing. This world? It doesn't suck. Life doesn't suck. Nightmare things happen, and people STEP UP. And it knocks me out. Every time. And i promised God and i promise all of you that i will remember this - that each day is a gift. Not in a "you have to wake up like Mary Sunshine with a cartoon bird on your shoulder" thing, because that's not real life. But just knowing 

Well, Rich always says it better:

Hello old friends 
There's really nothing new to say 
But the old, old story bears repeating 
And the plain old truth grows dearer every day 
When you find something worth believing 
Well, that's a joy that nothin' could take away 

And so we meet again 
After all these many years 
Did we sow the seeds we're reaping 
Now that the harvest calls us here 
It seems that love blooms out of season 
And much joy can blossom from many tears 

So old friends you must forget what you had to forgive 
And let love be stronger than the feelings 
That rage and run beneath the bridge 
Knowin' morning follows evening 
Makes each new day come as a gift 

(Hello Old Friends written by Rich Mullins, Copyright 1992 - Edward Grant, Inc. 

Thank you Rich, and thank you  everyone who is helping. Who has helped, who will. Because we really all need each other so very much! 


  1. I wrote all of this in Georgia (my face font) but only the song showed up that way. Any smarty smart people know how to fix that? It looks icky, help!! :)
